FAQs About Summer Irrigation Techniques for Growing a Lush Lawn

Combine 90-degree temperatures with lower than average rainfall amounts, and you get lawns that need constant irrigation during summer. Precisely how much water your lawn needs depends on several factors such as grass and soil type, hours in direct sunlight and addition of landscape elements. When you hire Waterville Irrigation Inc. to install your customized irrigation system, our technicians will evaluate your lawn to determine exactly how much water it needs to thrive all summer long.

FAQs About Summer Irrigation 
Is There a Quick Way to Tell If a Lawn is Hydrated and Healthy?

Simply walking on your lawn and watching how grass responds to being trampled on can give you an idea of your lawn's current water demands. If grass blades spring back into normal, vertical positions within seconds of removing your foot, it's probable your lawn doesn't need water. Grass that remains flat and lifeless after being stepped on may require a good soaking. Installing a summer irrigation system that can be automatically set to water your lawn at certain times removes the guesswork out of maintaining a healthy, properly watered lawn. 

Is There a Better Time During the Day to Water a Lawn?
Late afternoon or early morning are the best times to water your lawn during summer in Waterville. Watering lawns and other outdoor plants means the midday sun will quickly evaporate water before it has a chance to reach roots. Alternately, watering your lawn too late in the day raises the risk of allowing excessive moisture to sit on grass blades overnight. This could promote mold, pest infestation, weeds and disease. The best time for your irrigation system to run is between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM during June, July and August.

Do I Need to Monitor My Irrigation System?
Your irrigation system requires little monitoring or maintenance but if you notice your grass turning brown, yellow or faded green, ask our Waterville Irrigation Inc. technicians to inspect your system for signs of malfunctioning. Of course, if you plant new landscape elements, lay grass sod or extreme summer weather targets Waterville, you will have to adjust your irrigation settings to accommodate drought or saturating rain conditions.

How Do I Choose the Right Type of Irrigation System for My Lawn?
Waterville Irrigation will perform a thorough assessment of your lawn (grass type, soil pH, landscape elements requiring watering) and design a customized irrigation system according to your lawn's needs and your property's water pressure and source. You don't have to do anything to grow that lush, green lawn you've always wanted--just call us today and we'll do all the work. From positioning sprinkler heads to ensure your lawn is evenly watered to taking care of any mechanical problems that might arise over the summer, our technicians are always available to help you cultivate a thick, healthy lawn.

Call Waterville Irrigation Inc. today to learn more about our state-of-the-art irrigation systems.

For More Info:- Sprinkler System Service


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